ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

My Blog

Monday, March 17, 2008

Welcome to my new blog!

I have closed my old one because I felt that last year, all I posted were trash.

So here's a new one for a new me. LOL!

If you notice, I have four categories for this Blog:

1) My Blog - which contains all my thoughts, reflections, musings, opinions about anything and everything under the sun.

2) Creative Writings - contains all the poems, essays, short stories, fan fictions and other prose types I've written.

3) Dear Diary - my initial plan for this category was to chronicle what's happening to me day by day. But then that would get personal and i don't want that so I'll just want you to see what I write here and from who/which/what perspective.

4) Ilonggo Blog - would help me practice expressing myself in my dialect. Mostly, this would contain my opinions and thoughts on what's happening locally.

5) Profile - contains info about me as well as getting to know posts.

I hope you'll come visit me often.

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