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Sunday, March 16, 2008
My Harry Potter Predictions
Orig. written: Wednesday, July 18, 2007
I was perusing Mugglenet last week and came across a contest in their site. They have some questions where the contestant will have to give their predictions.
Here are my answers:
1. What are the Deathly Hallows?
I think they're the horcruxes as well as those treasures in Hogwarts (in the trophy room and Room of Requirement when Harry asked for a room to hide the book) left behind by dead people.
2. What are the remaining horcruxes? Is Harry or his scar a horcrux?
Dumbledore was sure that the locket and the cup and Nagini are horcruxes. Only one horcrux is not known by Dumbledore and Harry. I think one of the remaining horcrux belong to Rowena Ravenclaw – it must be the tiara in the room of requirement coz she might be a princess or belongs to the royal family. :D
No Harrry nor his scar is not a horcrux.
3. Will Harry die?
NO, he will not die.
4. Without considering Harry, who else will die?
I think Snape will be one of the major characters who will die as an ultimate proof that he's on the good side all along. The other one major character who will die is Voldemort – in the hands of Harry. Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew too) and one or two members of the Order and maybe Percy
5. Who will redeem himself?
Draco Malfoy will somehow redeem himself. He'd feel guilty about what he did.
6. Who will be the new leader of the Order?
Uhm…my instincts telling me it's going to be Harry because he's a powerful wizard even for his age, and knows more about Voldemort than any of the member of the Orders.
7. Is there another spy in the Death Eaters?
Only Snape is the spy among the Death Eaters.
8. Who is R.A.B.?
It's Regulus Black.
9. Will Hogwarts reopen?
Yes, it will reopen.
10. Will Harry return to Hogwarts? As a student?
Yes, because Voldemort would come to Hogwarts now that Dumbledore is dead (He was persistent to return to Hogwarts in the past but Dumbledore prevented him) so Harry would need to return to Hogwarts.
11. Will the Ministry interfere more with Hogwarts (if it reopens) now that Dumbledore is gone?
No they won't. They will provide the necessary additional security if required but they have a lot to deal with regarding the protection of Wizarding world. In short, The Ministry would leave Hogwarts alone.
12. Will there be a battle at Hogwarts?
Yes there will be because Voldemort would return to Hogwarts for he might have left one of his horcruxes there.
13. JKR says Dumbledore is properly dead, but will we see him again? How?
Yes, we will see Dumbledore again through his portrait in the headmaster/headmistress office of course. But he could only give reactions like what the previous headmasters and headmistresses do or could occasionally be asked to do send messages or something.
14. Did Dumbledore beg for his life or plead with Snape to kill him?
I am now convinced he was pleading with Snape to kill him. That has been his plan since Snape told him his Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa (and Snape knew, through Legilemency, what task Voldemort has assigned Draco) and that's why Dumbledore told Harry, after he fetched him from the Dursleys, to bring his Invisibility cloak at all times. He knew that Snape would have to kill him when Draco would fail to do so.
15. Why did Dumbledore trust Snape?
Dumbledore trusted Snape because Snape showed true remorse at Lily's death. I think Snape was in-love with Lily (maybe secretly) the whole time. When Snape heard the prophecy and informed Voldemort about it, he didn't know that Voldemort would come after the Potters. Only when he learned that Lily had died, did he regret what he did and so he went to Dumbledore, confessed everything he's done and agreed wholeheartedly to be a spy for Dumbledore. LOVE would only be the factor that would thoroughly convince Dumbledore.
16. Whose side is Snape really on? (V's, Order's, his own)?
He's on Dumbledore's side.
17. Where did Snape take Draco at the end of HBP? Where is Snape hiding now?
Hhmm..too tough. I think Dumbledore and Snape had already planned where Snape would go after he kills Dumbledore. Maybe Snape is hiding with Voldemort and the Death Eaters.
18. Will Harry visit the house where he was attacked in Godric's Hollow? What will he find there?
Yes, he will. He will find more information about his parents and Snape.
19. Aside from James, Lily, Voldemort and Harry, who else was at the house in Godric's Hollow on the night of the attack?
There was no one else besides them. Voldemort went alone.
20. Will Percy remain estranged from his family, or will he make amends?
He will make amends after he would swallow his pride.
21. Did Percy act as a spy for Dumbledore with his connections in the Ministry?
No, he didn't. (This question would not be answered in Book 7, I think!)
22. Will Wormtail repay his life-debt to Harry?
Yes, he will.He would be the one who could prevent Harry's death because of his debt to Harry.
23. How will Harry say goodbye to the Dursleys?
The usual way he says goodbye to the Dursleys each time he left for Hogwarts - A simple "bye" and couldn't care less if they replied to him or not.
24. What role will Aberforth play?
He'd come out from where he is at the moment – full of information that will be useful to the Order.
25. What was Aberforth really doing with those goats?
Uhhmm…trying to get bezoar out of them? LOL!
26. Will Voldemort die? How? (Veil, AK, Giant Squid...)
Yes, Voldemort will die, after all the horcruxes will be destroyed and either Harry or Snape would kill him.(Harry to avenge his parents and Snape to avenge Lily).
27. Why did Voldemort offer Lily a chance to live?
Because maybe Voldermort knew that Snape loves Lily and since Snape was the one who told him the prophecy, he's trying to spare Lily as a reward for Snape (LOL! This might be very far-fetched)
28. What was Dumbledore's "gleam of triumph"?
I think Harry's blood has made Voldemort less invincible and became a human being so when the time comes for them to face each other, Harry would have a bigger chance of defeating Voldemort
29. What is the power of love?
The power of love is a song sang by Celine Dion. Just KIDDING! LOL! Seriously, the power of love would destroy Voldemort. Harry and Snape would be successful in killing him because they are doing it in revenge for the loved ones they lost.
30. Will Lucius escape or be released from Azkaban?
I don't think so. Maybe we'll not see Lucius again.
31. Is Trevor more than a toad?
No, he isn't. He's just necessary to portray Neville's character.
32. Will there be an attack at Fleur & Bill's wedding?
No, there won't be an attack. The wedding would be sort of a reprieve, a chance for them to relax and enjoy and be happy before they all would plunge into fighting evil and suffer the consequences the war would bring to all.
33. Will Ginny join the trio in Harry's quest?
She won't join in looking for the horcruxes (since Dumbledore told Harry to inform only Hermione and Ron) but she will be fighting with them during the final battle.
34. Will we see Fawkes again? Will he choose Harry as his new owner?
No, Fawkes was gone for good when Dumbledore died.
35. Will someone kill Fenrir Greyback? Who?
Yes, someone will kill Fenrir Greyback and it's going to be Lupin and/or Bill Weasley.
36. What is the purpose of the veil?
It might be a passage for the dead, or maybe some sort of a limbo for dead witches and wizards.
37. Will we see Sirius again? How?
Yes, we will see Sirius again. In the Pensieve or in the two-way mirror or maybe through the veil where he fell down.
38. Who is the dragon on the special edition US cover art?
It might be Norbert.
39. What was Dumbledore's letter ("Remember my last") to Petunia referring to?
I think it was referring to Dumbledore's last request to the Dursley's – to take Harry into their homes until he comes of age.
40. What other magical creatures will play a larger role in DH? (Goblins, Centaurs, Giant Squid, etc.) Will they be on the good side or the bad side?
The house-elves esp. Dobby and Kreacher, Grawp, Buckbeak,
41. Anything else you want to add?
- Harry would become an internationally famous Quidditch player
- Neville would become a Herbology teacher in Hogwarts
I was perusing Mugglenet last week and came across a contest in their site. They have some questions where the contestant will have to give their predictions.
Here are my answers:
1. What are the Deathly Hallows?
I think they're the horcruxes as well as those treasures in Hogwarts (in the trophy room and Room of Requirement when Harry asked for a room to hide the book) left behind by dead people.
2. What are the remaining horcruxes? Is Harry or his scar a horcrux?
Dumbledore was sure that the locket and the cup and Nagini are horcruxes. Only one horcrux is not known by Dumbledore and Harry. I think one of the remaining horcrux belong to Rowena Ravenclaw – it must be the tiara in the room of requirement coz she might be a princess or belongs to the royal family. :D
No Harrry nor his scar is not a horcrux.
3. Will Harry die?
NO, he will not die.
4. Without considering Harry, who else will die?
I think Snape will be one of the major characters who will die as an ultimate proof that he's on the good side all along. The other one major character who will die is Voldemort – in the hands of Harry. Wormtail (Peter Pettigrew too) and one or two members of the Order and maybe Percy
5. Who will redeem himself?
Draco Malfoy will somehow redeem himself. He'd feel guilty about what he did.
6. Who will be the new leader of the Order?
Uhm…my instincts telling me it's going to be Harry because he's a powerful wizard even for his age, and knows more about Voldemort than any of the member of the Orders.
7. Is there another spy in the Death Eaters?
Only Snape is the spy among the Death Eaters.
8. Who is R.A.B.?
It's Regulus Black.
9. Will Hogwarts reopen?
Yes, it will reopen.
10. Will Harry return to Hogwarts? As a student?
Yes, because Voldemort would come to Hogwarts now that Dumbledore is dead (He was persistent to return to Hogwarts in the past but Dumbledore prevented him) so Harry would need to return to Hogwarts.
11. Will the Ministry interfere more with Hogwarts (if it reopens) now that Dumbledore is gone?
No they won't. They will provide the necessary additional security if required but they have a lot to deal with regarding the protection of Wizarding world. In short, The Ministry would leave Hogwarts alone.
12. Will there be a battle at Hogwarts?
Yes there will be because Voldemort would return to Hogwarts for he might have left one of his horcruxes there.
13. JKR says Dumbledore is properly dead, but will we see him again? How?
Yes, we will see Dumbledore again through his portrait in the headmaster/headmistress office of course. But he could only give reactions like what the previous headmasters and headmistresses do or could occasionally be asked to do send messages or something.
14. Did Dumbledore beg for his life or plead with Snape to kill him?
I am now convinced he was pleading with Snape to kill him. That has been his plan since Snape told him his Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa (and Snape knew, through Legilemency, what task Voldemort has assigned Draco) and that's why Dumbledore told Harry, after he fetched him from the Dursleys, to bring his Invisibility cloak at all times. He knew that Snape would have to kill him when Draco would fail to do so.
15. Why did Dumbledore trust Snape?
Dumbledore trusted Snape because Snape showed true remorse at Lily's death. I think Snape was in-love with Lily (maybe secretly) the whole time. When Snape heard the prophecy and informed Voldemort about it, he didn't know that Voldemort would come after the Potters. Only when he learned that Lily had died, did he regret what he did and so he went to Dumbledore, confessed everything he's done and agreed wholeheartedly to be a spy for Dumbledore. LOVE would only be the factor that would thoroughly convince Dumbledore.
16. Whose side is Snape really on? (V's, Order's, his own)?
He's on Dumbledore's side.
17. Where did Snape take Draco at the end of HBP? Where is Snape hiding now?
Hhmm..too tough. I think Dumbledore and Snape had already planned where Snape would go after he kills Dumbledore. Maybe Snape is hiding with Voldemort and the Death Eaters.
18. Will Harry visit the house where he was attacked in Godric's Hollow? What will he find there?
Yes, he will. He will find more information about his parents and Snape.
19. Aside from James, Lily, Voldemort and Harry, who else was at the house in Godric's Hollow on the night of the attack?
There was no one else besides them. Voldemort went alone.
20. Will Percy remain estranged from his family, or will he make amends?
He will make amends after he would swallow his pride.
21. Did Percy act as a spy for Dumbledore with his connections in the Ministry?
No, he didn't. (This question would not be answered in Book 7, I think!)
22. Will Wormtail repay his life-debt to Harry?
Yes, he will.He would be the one who could prevent Harry's death because of his debt to Harry.
23. How will Harry say goodbye to the Dursleys?
The usual way he says goodbye to the Dursleys each time he left for Hogwarts - A simple "bye" and couldn't care less if they replied to him or not.
24. What role will Aberforth play?
He'd come out from where he is at the moment – full of information that will be useful to the Order.
25. What was Aberforth really doing with those goats?
Uhhmm…trying to get bezoar out of them? LOL!
26. Will Voldemort die? How? (Veil, AK, Giant Squid...)
Yes, Voldemort will die, after all the horcruxes will be destroyed and either Harry or Snape would kill him.(Harry to avenge his parents and Snape to avenge Lily).
27. Why did Voldemort offer Lily a chance to live?
Because maybe Voldermort knew that Snape loves Lily and since Snape was the one who told him the prophecy, he's trying to spare Lily as a reward for Snape (LOL! This might be very far-fetched)
28. What was Dumbledore's "gleam of triumph"?
I think Harry's blood has made Voldemort less invincible and became a human being so when the time comes for them to face each other, Harry would have a bigger chance of defeating Voldemort
29. What is the power of love?
The power of love is a song sang by Celine Dion. Just KIDDING! LOL! Seriously, the power of love would destroy Voldemort. Harry and Snape would be successful in killing him because they are doing it in revenge for the loved ones they lost.
30. Will Lucius escape or be released from Azkaban?
I don't think so. Maybe we'll not see Lucius again.
31. Is Trevor more than a toad?
No, he isn't. He's just necessary to portray Neville's character.
32. Will there be an attack at Fleur & Bill's wedding?
No, there won't be an attack. The wedding would be sort of a reprieve, a chance for them to relax and enjoy and be happy before they all would plunge into fighting evil and suffer the consequences the war would bring to all.
33. Will Ginny join the trio in Harry's quest?
She won't join in looking for the horcruxes (since Dumbledore told Harry to inform only Hermione and Ron) but she will be fighting with them during the final battle.
34. Will we see Fawkes again? Will he choose Harry as his new owner?
No, Fawkes was gone for good when Dumbledore died.
35. Will someone kill Fenrir Greyback? Who?
Yes, someone will kill Fenrir Greyback and it's going to be Lupin and/or Bill Weasley.
36. What is the purpose of the veil?
It might be a passage for the dead, or maybe some sort of a limbo for dead witches and wizards.
37. Will we see Sirius again? How?
Yes, we will see Sirius again. In the Pensieve or in the two-way mirror or maybe through the veil where he fell down.
38. Who is the dragon on the special edition US cover art?
It might be Norbert.
39. What was Dumbledore's letter ("Remember my last") to Petunia referring to?
I think it was referring to Dumbledore's last request to the Dursley's – to take Harry into their homes until he comes of age.
40. What other magical creatures will play a larger role in DH? (Goblins, Centaurs, Giant Squid, etc.) Will they be on the good side or the bad side?
The house-elves esp. Dobby and Kreacher, Grawp, Buckbeak,
41. Anything else you want to add?
- Harry would become an internationally famous Quidditch player
- Neville would become a Herbology teacher in Hogwarts
Labels: Books, harry potter, predictions
posted by Sharon J. E. at 11:37 AM

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