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Sunday, March 16, 2008
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix Movie
Orig. written: Friday, July 20, 2007
Yesterday (July 19) was the start of the showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix here in Kuwait. Since Sharie and Eloi has work till 5 PM, we thought we'd watch the 7 PM showing.
So the moment they arrived at 5:45, we hastily ate dinner and then went towards the cinema. (Rheliza, our other flatmate didn't go with us coz she's not really into HP, unlike the three of us). We arrived there at around 6:30 I think, to meet other friends, Anna and her boyfriend Warren, who's going to watch with us too.
However, we got despaired when we were informed that the HP room is full and nothing left for us. We were told though that the next showing would be at 10 PM. My goodness, it was so late, but since we cannot wait any more we agreed to sit on the Bachelors section, and maybe sit beside boys. Boys!
In case you are wondering what is wrong with sitting beside boys, the cinemas here in Kuwait are divided into two sections, the Bachelors (where boys and teenage boys sit) and the Family section (where the families sit of course, and also where girls are placed regardless they're with family or not). So with little fear (because of the many stories we heard how rude these teenage boys are) we bravely agreed to sit on the Bachelors and prayed all the while that we would sit beside a good boy.
We arrived before Anna and Warren and we called them to inform that the cinema is already full for the 7 PM showing and the vacancies were only for the 10 PM. Anna, who we know sleep early at night, refused to watch anymore coz it's too late for her, so it's just the three of us left.
So there we were, at 7 PM, roaming the 24-hour supermarket in front of the mall where the cinema is, to kill the time until 8 PM. At 8 PM, we went to the small foodcourt beside the supermarket and bought ice cream and softdrinks to while away more time, and spent most of it talking about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, as well as what to expect with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie. At around 9 PM, we went to the mall where the cinema is, and already used the toilet so that we would not be interrupted in the middle of the movie.
At 9:15, we went to the cinema and asked if we could sit on the chairs by the refreshment booths inside, and since we had tickets we were permitted to sit. And we patiently waited till the 7 PM viewers went out of the cinema, and waited some more while they clean the cinema I think. We went to the bathroom again before going inside at around 9:45 PM.
The showing of the trailers of the upcoming movie started at 10 PM, while the movie started at 10:15. At first, we were glad we're seated on the first three seats beside the aisle. Sharie was on the third, Eloi between us, and I was seated on the aisle seat. LOL! Beside Sharie is a boy maybe 8-10 years old so we were relieved because he seemed to be alone because next to him were the three Indian teenagers (two boys and one girl) who were in front us on the line.
I was a little disappointed because a lot of details were cut from the book but if I just have to shift my thinking and detach the movie from the book, the movie was fantastic.
I agree with some that it was the best HP movie yet, because there was a detailed emphasis on the effects, and they're closer to what i had in mind when reading the book.
The head on the fire for instance, is how I envision it reading the book and i was disappointed in the POA and GOF's interpretation.
Their patronuses are also how i invision it on my mind, which is very bright and formed animal shapes. I really, really love how they did it.
The scenes at the Ministry was also superb though we wished they gave a detailed scenes of the fight between the DE and DA. LOL!
The dragon fireworks are great too! Everything is great actually if you will not be anal about following the book in details.
I love the former headmasters portrait going out of the frames when asked by Dumbledore to do something.
And also, I noticed that there were more students in Hogwarts in the this movie than in the last four. And they are more animated while they're in the great hall eating, just like how I imagine it should be, unlike the first four movies.
Now, we are looking forward to the DVD so that there would be five HP movies to watch over and over again. The fight scenes at the ministry was so fast, we barely had time to register what's happening when another scene would scare us again. LOL!
Yesterday (July 19) was the start of the showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix here in Kuwait. Since Sharie and Eloi has work till 5 PM, we thought we'd watch the 7 PM showing.
So the moment they arrived at 5:45, we hastily ate dinner and then went towards the cinema. (Rheliza, our other flatmate didn't go with us coz she's not really into HP, unlike the three of us). We arrived there at around 6:30 I think, to meet other friends, Anna and her boyfriend Warren, who's going to watch with us too.
However, we got despaired when we were informed that the HP room is full and nothing left for us. We were told though that the next showing would be at 10 PM. My goodness, it was so late, but since we cannot wait any more we agreed to sit on the Bachelors section, and maybe sit beside boys. Boys!
In case you are wondering what is wrong with sitting beside boys, the cinemas here in Kuwait are divided into two sections, the Bachelors (where boys and teenage boys sit) and the Family section (where the families sit of course, and also where girls are placed regardless they're with family or not). So with little fear (because of the many stories we heard how rude these teenage boys are) we bravely agreed to sit on the Bachelors and prayed all the while that we would sit beside a good boy.
We arrived before Anna and Warren and we called them to inform that the cinema is already full for the 7 PM showing and the vacancies were only for the 10 PM. Anna, who we know sleep early at night, refused to watch anymore coz it's too late for her, so it's just the three of us left.
So there we were, at 7 PM, roaming the 24-hour supermarket in front of the mall where the cinema is, to kill the time until 8 PM. At 8 PM, we went to the small foodcourt beside the supermarket and bought ice cream and softdrinks to while away more time, and spent most of it talking about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, as well as what to expect with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie. At around 9 PM, we went to the mall where the cinema is, and already used the toilet so that we would not be interrupted in the middle of the movie.
At 9:15, we went to the cinema and asked if we could sit on the chairs by the refreshment booths inside, and since we had tickets we were permitted to sit. And we patiently waited till the 7 PM viewers went out of the cinema, and waited some more while they clean the cinema I think. We went to the bathroom again before going inside at around 9:45 PM.
The showing of the trailers of the upcoming movie started at 10 PM, while the movie started at 10:15. At first, we were glad we're seated on the first three seats beside the aisle. Sharie was on the third, Eloi between us, and I was seated on the aisle seat. LOL! Beside Sharie is a boy maybe 8-10 years old so we were relieved because he seemed to be alone because next to him were the three Indian teenagers (two boys and one girl) who were in front us on the line.
I was a little disappointed because a lot of details were cut from the book but if I just have to shift my thinking and detach the movie from the book, the movie was fantastic.
I agree with some that it was the best HP movie yet, because there was a detailed emphasis on the effects, and they're closer to what i had in mind when reading the book.
The head on the fire for instance, is how I envision it reading the book and i was disappointed in the POA and GOF's interpretation.
Their patronuses are also how i invision it on my mind, which is very bright and formed animal shapes. I really, really love how they did it.
The scenes at the Ministry was also superb though we wished they gave a detailed scenes of the fight between the DE and DA. LOL!
The dragon fireworks are great too! Everything is great actually if you will not be anal about following the book in details.
I love the former headmasters portrait going out of the frames when asked by Dumbledore to do something.
And also, I noticed that there were more students in Hogwarts in the this movie than in the last four. And they are more animated while they're in the great hall eating, just like how I imagine it should be, unlike the first four movies.
Now, we are looking forward to the DVD so that there would be five HP movies to watch over and over again. The fight scenes at the ministry was so fast, we barely had time to register what's happening when another scene would scare us again. LOL!
posted by Sharon J. E. at 11:39 AM

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