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Sunday, March 16, 2008
24 again: Tony Almeida and Michelle Dessler
Orig. written: June 24, 2007
OMG! OMG!!! I can feel my heart wrenching with what I have watched last night.
Last Thursday we spent the whole night watching 24 and one of our friends who came to our house had to sleep over because she got hooked too - and we're in season 4 then, where Tony was back in action - thanks to Jack - and he and Michelle got some sparks flying again and it got high with Bill around. LOL!
However, I was not able to sleep a wink the whole Thursday night because I waited for Rheliza to finish with her laundry and I did ours then. I was finished at around 5:30 am but when I was about to sleep, Tanya came online so i chatted with her decided not to sleep at all. At around 7 am, Sharie woke up and found me still awake so she asked me if I want to go to the supermarket and buy fresh fish and I agreed.
After we had lunch, we continued watching 24 and we're already in season 5 that time. But by the time 7 PM Friday came I can barely keep my eyes open, despite my desire to really watch 24 with them. So i had to sleep while they went on watching 24.
Last night, the moment i arrived at the house from work, I immediately watch it and they had to endure a re-watch because of me and OH My Goodness again!!!!!
***SPOILERS AHEAD for Season 5***
On one of the first scenes, Michelle was blown up as she inserted her key in the car and Tony rushed to her only to have the car behind him explode again. Michelle was dead on the spot but Tony was still alive and was brought to CTU to be stabilized and protected at the same time.
When Tony woke up from his unconsciousness, the first thing he asked about was Michelle. The doctor didn't want Tony to be stressed up again so he informed everyone not to tell Tony that Michelle was dead. But Tony was perceptive and he thought Bill and the doctor was not telling him the truth about Michelle. So he ripped the bandage off his face and the IVs from his hand and limped towards a computer and entered Michelle's name on it. Then he whimpered as he sank to his knees when the blinking "Deceased" came up on the screen and Bill and the doctor had to drag him away. OMG! My heart was being squeezed so tight!!!!
I have seen it before but I didn't know the hurdles they had faced in their relationship then so I just felt the impact and why he sobbed so hard in that scene.
Then he recovered and up to his feet again afterwards, though he still has burn marks on his face. He asked Bill for information and reasons why Michelle was killed. That sad part about it all is that they (Michelle and Tony were both the targets in fact) were just used as a diversion to a bigger plot - the assassination of David Palmer, and the culprits has set up to make it look like Jack was responsible for their deaths.
Having been convinced by Tony himself that being a former agent and director deserves at least to know the reason why Michelle was killed, Bill told Tony that the latest info they got was that one of their former boss, Christopher Henderson who was involved in all the killings so far.
Then Jack managed to catch Henderson and brought him to CTU for questioning, but he was brought in the clinic beside Tony when there was danger in CTU. And Tony decided to bring justice to Michelle's death and he was in the process of killing Henderson with something in the big syringe he was holding when suddenly, Henderson opened his eyes, grabbed Tony's hands and aimed the needle towards Tony's heart. And Tony, who's still weak from the recent mishap was no match for Henderson, who's only pretending to be unconscious.
Henderson managed to escape and Jack arrived in time to see Tony still gasping with breath and Jack told him to hang on. But Tony's response was only "She's gone Jack." And then he stopped breathing.
OMGGGOOODDNNESSSSS!!! I just had to stop my tears from falling. That means Tony cannot live without her and he saw no reason anymore to live since Michelle is dead. Oh my goodness, it's so tragic yet so romantic. But why did they have to kill Them!!! WHYYYY????
I am no fan of tragic endings ever, I want HEA in the movies I watch and in the books I read (that's why I hate Up, Close and Personal and some of Danielle Steele's novels because of their tragic endings). However, this tragedy of Tony and Michelle's love story is the first one that I have come to accept and despite what happened, they're going to remain in my list of unforgettable TV characters. I guess it must be because of the nature of their work that I have set my heart and mind that anytime, they could be killed especially since they both had run CTU in the past.
But oh my goodness!!!! They have the best romance in 24 ever.
oh and btw, i didn't understand then about Chase and Kim, it only sank in last night that Chase has left Kim after they all thought Jack has died (except Cloe, Tony, Michelle and David of course). But I think there is still hope for Chase and Kim? I felt so bad when I learned they're not together anymore. I'm sure Angela has grown closer to Kim already when they separated.
Anyway, that's all of my ramblings about 24.
OMG! OMG!!! I can feel my heart wrenching with what I have watched last night.
Last Thursday we spent the whole night watching 24 and one of our friends who came to our house had to sleep over because she got hooked too - and we're in season 4 then, where Tony was back in action - thanks to Jack - and he and Michelle got some sparks flying again and it got high with Bill around. LOL!
However, I was not able to sleep a wink the whole Thursday night because I waited for Rheliza to finish with her laundry and I did ours then. I was finished at around 5:30 am but when I was about to sleep, Tanya came online so i chatted with her decided not to sleep at all. At around 7 am, Sharie woke up and found me still awake so she asked me if I want to go to the supermarket and buy fresh fish and I agreed.
After we had lunch, we continued watching 24 and we're already in season 5 that time. But by the time 7 PM Friday came I can barely keep my eyes open, despite my desire to really watch 24 with them. So i had to sleep while they went on watching 24.
Last night, the moment i arrived at the house from work, I immediately watch it and they had to endure a re-watch because of me and OH My Goodness again!!!!!
***SPOILERS AHEAD for Season 5***
On one of the first scenes, Michelle was blown up as she inserted her key in the car and Tony rushed to her only to have the car behind him explode again. Michelle was dead on the spot but Tony was still alive and was brought to CTU to be stabilized and protected at the same time.
When Tony woke up from his unconsciousness, the first thing he asked about was Michelle. The doctor didn't want Tony to be stressed up again so he informed everyone not to tell Tony that Michelle was dead. But Tony was perceptive and he thought Bill and the doctor was not telling him the truth about Michelle. So he ripped the bandage off his face and the IVs from his hand and limped towards a computer and entered Michelle's name on it. Then he whimpered as he sank to his knees when the blinking "Deceased" came up on the screen and Bill and the doctor had to drag him away. OMG! My heart was being squeezed so tight!!!!
I have seen it before but I didn't know the hurdles they had faced in their relationship then so I just felt the impact and why he sobbed so hard in that scene.
Then he recovered and up to his feet again afterwards, though he still has burn marks on his face. He asked Bill for information and reasons why Michelle was killed. That sad part about it all is that they (Michelle and Tony were both the targets in fact) were just used as a diversion to a bigger plot - the assassination of David Palmer, and the culprits has set up to make it look like Jack was responsible for their deaths.
Having been convinced by Tony himself that being a former agent and director deserves at least to know the reason why Michelle was killed, Bill told Tony that the latest info they got was that one of their former boss, Christopher Henderson who was involved in all the killings so far.
Then Jack managed to catch Henderson and brought him to CTU for questioning, but he was brought in the clinic beside Tony when there was danger in CTU. And Tony decided to bring justice to Michelle's death and he was in the process of killing Henderson with something in the big syringe he was holding when suddenly, Henderson opened his eyes, grabbed Tony's hands and aimed the needle towards Tony's heart. And Tony, who's still weak from the recent mishap was no match for Henderson, who's only pretending to be unconscious.
Henderson managed to escape and Jack arrived in time to see Tony still gasping with breath and Jack told him to hang on. But Tony's response was only "She's gone Jack." And then he stopped breathing.
OMGGGOOODDNNESSSSS!!! I just had to stop my tears from falling. That means Tony cannot live without her and he saw no reason anymore to live since Michelle is dead. Oh my goodness, it's so tragic yet so romantic. But why did they have to kill Them!!! WHYYYY????
I am no fan of tragic endings ever, I want HEA in the movies I watch and in the books I read (that's why I hate Up, Close and Personal and some of Danielle Steele's novels because of their tragic endings). However, this tragedy of Tony and Michelle's love story is the first one that I have come to accept and despite what happened, they're going to remain in my list of unforgettable TV characters. I guess it must be because of the nature of their work that I have set my heart and mind that anytime, they could be killed especially since they both had run CTU in the past.
But oh my goodness!!!! They have the best romance in 24 ever.
oh and btw, i didn't understand then about Chase and Kim, it only sank in last night that Chase has left Kim after they all thought Jack has died (except Cloe, Tony, Michelle and David of course). But I think there is still hope for Chase and Kim? I felt so bad when I learned they're not together anymore. I'm sure Angela has grown closer to Kim already when they separated.
Anyway, that's all of my ramblings about 24.
Labels: 24, chase edmunds, jack bauer, michelle dessler, tony almeida, tv show
posted by Sharon J. E. at 12:03 PM

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