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Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Da Vinci Code Controversy
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The Da Vinci Code Controversy
Are you tired of my too serious topics? Well, brace yourself then for this is still a serious topic. LOL! :D
These days all I read in the Internet is about The Da Vinci Code movie and how the Vatican is proposing to boycott this film. Of course, the fact that my Google homepage has feeds of Catholic and Christian topics didn't help at all and in fact, had pushed the button for me and made me realize I cannot stay silent anymore regarding this topic.
Now, before some of you would go to the Vatican and have me petitioned for excommunication, let me assure you that I am a Catholic through and through. And nobody could ever sway me away from my religion now or ever, even with this current uproar. I am a practicing one and I know that I am not perfect but I often try to be good to my neighbors, since that is God's ultimate commandment. And I still firmly believe in God, Jesus, The Blessed Virgin Mary, The Holy Trinity, angels and demons, saints and The Holy Bible and try to follow the Church's teachings.
Now, back to the main topic, I believe the reason The Da Vinci Code became so famous in the first place is because, from the time it was published, there was already talk about how the book should be banned, should be forbidden, etc. Now, isn't it that we, humans, when told that something is forbidden, got curious all the more about that forbidden thing, and wonder what is it in there that makes it so controversial and really try to get ahold of that thing? I think this is what happened in TDVC. I, myself, wouldn't have picked this book up if not for the protests it received particularly from the Vatican. I got curious too so I picked it up. I tend to stay away from heavy-thinking books like this and prefer to indulge in romance novels and escape from the harsh reality of life even for just a few hours. But I also want to know what's the furor about this book.
Now, since I have read the book, I think the main reason of all this controversy is because the books tells about how the Church has withhold some information from the people. For the sake of those who haven't read the book yet, I will not enumerate them, but they were indeed shocking things - like Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.
Before I read the book, I have read the comments of some people about it and some said that their faith was shaken and they're doubtful now. Some even said that they will convert to other religion because of the revelations in the book.
But, isn't The Da Vinci Code just a work of fiction? Yes, Dan Brown has cited in the beginning of the book that The Priory of Scion, Opus Dei and all the artifacts, architectures, documents and secret rituals are accurate. BBUUUTTTT, it doesnt necessarily mean that all of those events that was said in the book are true. I think it's the reader's level of faith that makes this book either bad or entertaining for him. I think Jesus would only say to those who wavered "O you of little faith!"
Suppose it was indeed proven that all of those things Dan Brown has written in The Da Vinci Code is indeed true and has indeed happened. Does that mean then that you would stop believing in Jesus merely because he was married? OR you would stay away from the Catholic Church and Christianity because the leaders of the Church centuries ago has withheld or hidden some of these information? So how is your faith in God and Jesus then, if these little things could easily turn you away from him? I think those people responsible for keeping all of these things secret (if TDVC is proven to be true) before will be paying or are still paying or have already paid for what they did.
I admit I have some questions after I read TDVC. Every Holy Week, the Passion of Christ is remembered, and we all know that Mary Magdalene was there at the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. I often wonder about her since she was only briefly mentioned as the woman who was possessed by a demon and Jesus cast that demon away from her. And also, the missing gospels might also be the reason why there are some unanswered or vague passages in the Bible.
If indeed it is true that Jesus had lived the normal life of a man here on earth, by marrying Mary Magdalene for example and had a family, then I think, instead of losing faith in him, we should try to emulate him all the more. We could follow him and do all the things we do for God's glory, follow His Father's teachings and show that even though we are just human, we are also capable of holiness too, just like what Jesus did on his time here on earth. If all those information in TDVC are true, then there is still a lesson to be learned. It's a lesson of Hope. Hope for all humans - that we may also live our life the way Jesus did, by having a family but at the same time fulfill God's wishes of us.
I also have something to say to those who have stayed away from Catholic Church because of the abuses and cruelty of the Church leaders, or even those people who serve in the Church. I think that they would never be a valid excuse to completely lose faith in God, or stay away from the Church. When judgment day comes, God will be dealing with them, for failing in their obligation as Church workers and as a Christian. And since, as a Catholic, I have an obligation to hear mass every Sunday, then I will go on hearing mass, even if I don't like anybody in my parish - all for God and nothing and no one else. It's my obligation and I should do it. I don't want to stutter and hang my head in shame on judgment day when God will ask me if I have been doing my Christian obligations. In fact, I think those difficult people in the parish and the "imperfect" priests are also instruments of God - to test the endurance of His people's faith in Him.
Back to TDVC, when I finished reading the book, I applauded and admired Dan Brown's creativity and his clever plots and twists. I was greatly entertained. But did it affect my faith a bit? No, it didn't. Because I don't think all of those things Dan Brown said in TDVC are true. I believe in the teachings of my Church and I won't ever believe heresies over those sacred teachings.
If the Catholic Church have done their responsibilities well, then they should never worry that these things could affect the faithfuls. They should stand firm and be confident and have nothing to fear if they have instilled deep faith to their flocks.
Now, I am more grateful than ever to the Salesian sisters in my school before for instilling deep faith in me thru their teachings.
“Happy the man…who delights in the law of the Lord….
He is like a tree planted near running water,
That yields its fruit in due season,
and whose leaves never fade” (Psalm 1, 1-3).
“Thus says the Lord:
Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings,
who seeks his strength in flesh,
whose heart turns away from the Lord.
He is like a barren bush in the desert
that enjoys no change of season,
But stands in a lava waste,
A salt and empty earth.
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose hope is in the Lord.
He is like a tree planted beside the waters
that stretched out its roots to the stream:
It fears not the heat when it comes,
its leaves stay green;
In the year of drought it shows no distress,
but still bears fruit” (Jeremiah 17:5-8).
So in the end, it's all because of our faith. I like to think that these controversies about Christianity happens for a reason - and the reason is to test how faithful we are to the Lord.
*SIGH* Are you still there? Hello? Did I bore you? Sorry, but I can be passionate and fierce when it comes to faith sometimes.
Did you all know I almost entered the convent ten years ago? :D :D
Posted by Sharon at 5/09/2006 10:27:00 AM 5 comments
The Da Vinci Code Controversy
Are you tired of my too serious topics? Well, brace yourself then for this is still a serious topic. LOL! :D
These days all I read in the Internet is about The Da Vinci Code movie and how the Vatican is proposing to boycott this film. Of course, the fact that my Google homepage has feeds of Catholic and Christian topics didn't help at all and in fact, had pushed the button for me and made me realize I cannot stay silent anymore regarding this topic.
Now, before some of you would go to the Vatican and have me petitioned for excommunication, let me assure you that I am a Catholic through and through. And nobody could ever sway me away from my religion now or ever, even with this current uproar. I am a practicing one and I know that I am not perfect but I often try to be good to my neighbors, since that is God's ultimate commandment. And I still firmly believe in God, Jesus, The Blessed Virgin Mary, The Holy Trinity, angels and demons, saints and The Holy Bible and try to follow the Church's teachings.
Now, back to the main topic, I believe the reason The Da Vinci Code became so famous in the first place is because, from the time it was published, there was already talk about how the book should be banned, should be forbidden, etc. Now, isn't it that we, humans, when told that something is forbidden, got curious all the more about that forbidden thing, and wonder what is it in there that makes it so controversial and really try to get ahold of that thing? I think this is what happened in TDVC. I, myself, wouldn't have picked this book up if not for the protests it received particularly from the Vatican. I got curious too so I picked it up. I tend to stay away from heavy-thinking books like this and prefer to indulge in romance novels and escape from the harsh reality of life even for just a few hours. But I also want to know what's the furor about this book.
Now, since I have read the book, I think the main reason of all this controversy is because the books tells about how the Church has withhold some information from the people. For the sake of those who haven't read the book yet, I will not enumerate them, but they were indeed shocking things - like Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.
Before I read the book, I have read the comments of some people about it and some said that their faith was shaken and they're doubtful now. Some even said that they will convert to other religion because of the revelations in the book.
But, isn't The Da Vinci Code just a work of fiction? Yes, Dan Brown has cited in the beginning of the book that The Priory of Scion, Opus Dei and all the artifacts, architectures, documents and secret rituals are accurate. BBUUUTTTT, it doesnt necessarily mean that all of those events that was said in the book are true. I think it's the reader's level of faith that makes this book either bad or entertaining for him. I think Jesus would only say to those who wavered "O you of little faith!"
Suppose it was indeed proven that all of those things Dan Brown has written in The Da Vinci Code is indeed true and has indeed happened. Does that mean then that you would stop believing in Jesus merely because he was married? OR you would stay away from the Catholic Church and Christianity because the leaders of the Church centuries ago has withheld or hidden some of these information? So how is your faith in God and Jesus then, if these little things could easily turn you away from him? I think those people responsible for keeping all of these things secret (if TDVC is proven to be true) before will be paying or are still paying or have already paid for what they did.
I admit I have some questions after I read TDVC. Every Holy Week, the Passion of Christ is remembered, and we all know that Mary Magdalene was there at the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ. I often wonder about her since she was only briefly mentioned as the woman who was possessed by a demon and Jesus cast that demon away from her. And also, the missing gospels might also be the reason why there are some unanswered or vague passages in the Bible.
If indeed it is true that Jesus had lived the normal life of a man here on earth, by marrying Mary Magdalene for example and had a family, then I think, instead of losing faith in him, we should try to emulate him all the more. We could follow him and do all the things we do for God's glory, follow His Father's teachings and show that even though we are just human, we are also capable of holiness too, just like what Jesus did on his time here on earth. If all those information in TDVC are true, then there is still a lesson to be learned. It's a lesson of Hope. Hope for all humans - that we may also live our life the way Jesus did, by having a family but at the same time fulfill God's wishes of us.
I also have something to say to those who have stayed away from Catholic Church because of the abuses and cruelty of the Church leaders, or even those people who serve in the Church. I think that they would never be a valid excuse to completely lose faith in God, or stay away from the Church. When judgment day comes, God will be dealing with them, for failing in their obligation as Church workers and as a Christian. And since, as a Catholic, I have an obligation to hear mass every Sunday, then I will go on hearing mass, even if I don't like anybody in my parish - all for God and nothing and no one else. It's my obligation and I should do it. I don't want to stutter and hang my head in shame on judgment day when God will ask me if I have been doing my Christian obligations. In fact, I think those difficult people in the parish and the "imperfect" priests are also instruments of God - to test the endurance of His people's faith in Him.
Back to TDVC, when I finished reading the book, I applauded and admired Dan Brown's creativity and his clever plots and twists. I was greatly entertained. But did it affect my faith a bit? No, it didn't. Because I don't think all of those things Dan Brown said in TDVC are true. I believe in the teachings of my Church and I won't ever believe heresies over those sacred teachings.
If the Catholic Church have done their responsibilities well, then they should never worry that these things could affect the faithfuls. They should stand firm and be confident and have nothing to fear if they have instilled deep faith to their flocks.
Now, I am more grateful than ever to the Salesian sisters in my school before for instilling deep faith in me thru their teachings.
“Happy the man…who delights in the law of the Lord….
He is like a tree planted near running water,
That yields its fruit in due season,
and whose leaves never fade” (Psalm 1, 1-3).
“Thus says the Lord:
Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings,
who seeks his strength in flesh,
whose heart turns away from the Lord.
He is like a barren bush in the desert
that enjoys no change of season,
But stands in a lava waste,
A salt and empty earth.
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
whose hope is in the Lord.
He is like a tree planted beside the waters
that stretched out its roots to the stream:
It fears not the heat when it comes,
its leaves stay green;
In the year of drought it shows no distress,
but still bears fruit” (Jeremiah 17:5-8).
So in the end, it's all because of our faith. I like to think that these controversies about Christianity happens for a reason - and the reason is to test how faithful we are to the Lord.
*SIGH* Are you still there? Hello? Did I bore you? Sorry, but I can be passionate and fierce when it comes to faith sometimes.
Did you all know I almost entered the convent ten years ago? :D :D
Posted by Sharon at 5/09/2006 10:27:00 AM 5 comments
Labels: Books, the da vinci cod
posted by Sharon J. E. at 6:30 AM

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