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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Romance novels for men...anyone?
Romance novels for men...anyone?
- According to research by the bookstore chain Barnes and Noble, romance customers can typically spend up to $100 per month for books and will read as many as 40 books per month.
- More than 90 percent of all mass market book sales are popular fiction.
- Romance accounts for 48.6 percent of the mass market (paperback) book sales in the United States, with sales topping $885 million in 1992.
- Authors rarely get rich writing books -- they receive only a small percentage of the cover price of a book -- usually 4 to 6 percent percent, according to Texas author LaRee Bryant.
- The average romance reader is 39 years old and works outside the home. (Forbes Magazine)
- The average annual household income for a romance reader is $40,000. 45 percent of romance readers are college educated.
- Women who read romance novels make love with their partners 74 percent more often than women who don't. (Psychology Today)
Based on the statistics above, it is clear that romance genre dominates the publishing world. The above also shows that women are responsible for this staggering demand for romance novels. Therefore, it is safe to assume that romance novels are for women only.
Now the question is: why do women adore them and spend a fortune buying and reading them? What can they get from it?As a woman and a romance reader myself, I can come up with a lot of reasons why I adore them.
1) It is a great escape from a sometimes depressing world.
2) The heroes, though might not be perfect, are ideal men for all women.
3) The men in the books speak heart-melting dialogues that women seldom hear in real life.
4) The heroes are so very generous - giving lots of jewels and cars.
5) The heroines are so perfect, the women can't help but wish they are like the heroines.
6) The make-believe world painted by the authors are the fairy tale love affair that every woman dream of when they were young.
7) They always make a reader feel good.
8) They bring message of hope and forgiveness.
I am sure there are still a thousand reasons more why women love romance novels. Which just proves that romance novels were created to cater to the women. That is why, men can never fathom or understand romance novels.I am not and will never be an expert on men but somehow I have this absurd ideas again why men can't stomach reading romance novels.
1. I am thinking they think the men in romance novels are sissy. The heroes are so poetic in expressing their love to the ladies.
2. They might think it's an insult to them. Women's impossible fantasies (about dashing heroes only and nothing else LOL) are fulfilled in these books they might feel insecure reading them and being compared to the heroes.
3. For those men who wanted docile female, they might be turned off by those feisty, strong-headed and very determined heroines in the books.
4. They might get bored with all the tiny details described in the book. (see "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Even in writing style???").
5. They might be laughing at the heroes in romance novels for being nags. In real life, we heard so much about how men talk in short sentences only. But in the romance novels, men can talk as much as women too.
Which brings to mind these absurd thought. What if someone would create romance novels for men? Of course, in these stories, it is their fantasies that will be fulfilled. Like, having obedient heroines, who wouldn't nag them if they just leave their clothes lying around the house; who wouldn't mind them drinking milk directly from the cartoon; would share their passion watching sports and can quote stats and plays; one who loves throwing out the garbage and don't depend on men to do this; a woman who can spend only ten minutes getting ready for a date; a woman who doesn't sulk; a heroine who says what she means without beating around the bush and a lot more reasons that men want. (Hey, I only concluded these are the things men want from the numerous jokes in the emails, in internet as well as from books, movies and television shows.)
Hhhmmmm, I think it would be interesting to see how the plot will unfold.
So, anyone up for that task?
· At 10:19 PM, Peter Rivendell said…
Just a thought... but there is a market for male romantic fiction - gay men. And such fiction exists, is published and on sale...
· At 9:53 AM, Sharon E. said…
Hi Peter. :) First of all, thanks for reading my blog and for your comment.I don't know there are a male romantic fictions for gay men. I haven't read any of them, I'm afraid. I'm in the Mideast and I know those are banned books here.HHmm, but you see, those fictions are for gay men. How about for those real, macho man? I am thinking, what would it take for more men to read romance novels?:D

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